Take the time to focus on and learn about the CNC capabilities of your tooling supplier. Or even better utilize Ultra, an all-inclusive supplier, that provides design-to-delivery services for greater consistency, quality, and shorter lead times. A Hydraulic Seals Manufacturer saw first-hand Ultra’s CNC capabilities after a tour of our facility earlier this year. Their initial visit focused on evaluating our metal stamping services, but it was Ultra’s CNC capabilities that interested them and led to Ultra machining their production tooling components.
We primarily machined cylindrical components for this Hydraulic Seals Manufacturer utilizing manual and CNC lathes as well as our CNC Double Column Bridge Feeler-2214. This bridge feeler has a large table size, 79”x55”, to accommodate larger die sets and metal parts with its travel dimensions measuring: X-Axis = 85”, Y-Axis = 55” and Z-Axis = 35”. With 32 different tools and the option of 120 tools, Ultra can customize the CNC operations to meet various design features, tolerances and measurements.
To begin this project, our Toolmakers and Die Designers evaluated the features of each die component AND the tolerances we needed to hold to determine what equipment should be utilized to produce die components that matched the design specifications. Ultra normally works to within .001 for tolerances, but we also have the ability to work within .0002 if needed. As a comparison, standard aluminum foil purchased at a grocery store is .0007 thick. That is like slicing the thickness of the foil into seven thinner pieces and we can work to within two of them.
Our CNC work for this manufacturer also included machining the feeder plates for their 50-ton stamping press and this was completed in the CNC Double Column Bridge Feeler. Attaining precision diameters was critical for their punches to operate correctly during production. Producing robust, quality die components provided confidence to this Hydraulic Seals Manufacturer that their production would operate without issue and tolerate continuous usage.
The video shown below highlights the speed and accuracy of our CNC automated operations; delivering die components that match the design print.